Organizing Note & Plan
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New Note & Plan
To create a new note or plan, click New Note button in main tool bar into edit status, a edit tool bar will be displayed.

The Note & Plan support rich text format text, so you can edit the text freely as you wish, you can insert Pictures or Objects into your note, you can also import plain and rich text file into note by clicking Insert menu. Finally you can click Save button in main tool bar to save it.

Edit Note & Plan
To edit a note, select a note by clicking record grid list in top panel, and click Edit Note button into edit status, then modify note, finally click Save button in main tool bar to save it.

Delete Note & Plans
To delete Note & Plans, left-click the record in top record panel to select it or ctrl+click notes to select multi-note, then click Delete Note button on the tool bar, the currently selected notes will be deleted, the confirm message box will be displayed before deleting.

Print Note & Plan

To print a Note, select a note by clicking record grid list in top panel, and click Print button in main tool bar to print.

Organizing Note & Plans
When you have a large note, you can organize it to make it easy to access.
Category Filtering
: Click Category button on main tool bar to open Category window, if you wish the notes in that category to display in grid list, please check that category.